Kanwa tho Lodge #636

Renew Your Dues for 2025!

It's that time of year again to renew your dues for the 2025 year. Your yearly dues helps fund various activities, events and makes sure you are enrolled in all lodge communications so you can stay up to date on all the happenings in the lodge. 
Dues for 2025 are $13 if you pay by March 15 and $16 until the end of 2025. 
You also have the opportunity to purchase an annual pass of $100 that covers your annual dues, spring conclave, fall fellowship and the 2026 winter banquet. Did we mention you receive a special patch? 

You can pay your dues here.

2025 Event Registration is Open!

Spring is practically here and so are our lodge events! You can sign up for Spring Conclave here
Also check out our events tab at the top of header menu for other upcoming events you can register for.

G9 Section Conclave

Join the section for an excellent time at Ed Bryant Scout Reservation in Mauston, WI! Hundreds of Arrowmen will gather for this Around the World themed conclave from April 11-13. Those who attend can expect outstanding training tracks, fun activities, and unique special events. The early bird registration is $40 until March 27. After that, it is $45 until April 6 when registration ends. 
Register here.

Get Involved in the Lodge!

Are you interested in getting more involved with the lodge? There are tons of ways to help! If you're interested in helping with the Ordeal weekend, fellowship events, unit elections, ceremonies, or any of our other committees, please fill out this form today! Lodge leadership will periodically check this form and pass along your contact info to the proper committee. Otherwise, you can always email the committee yourself - all committee contact information is located here.

Check out New Merch at the Trading Post

The Kanwa tho Lodge trading post has lots of new and exciting things to offer, including new patches and apparel!
Visit www.Kanwatho.org/TradingPost to see everything we have to offer!